How are you doing? How was your week?
Well, mine was pretty lame. As you can see my last post was last Monday which is 6 days ago. Urgh! I can’t believe I was able to survive those days without blogging!? Wondering why?
Well, for the fourth time this year our land line and DSL (internet) cable at the office has been cut again! Yeah, unfortunately again! But this time it’s a different story- the cables where not stolen, they had been accidentally cut by our electric provider (SFELAPCO) while clearing the trees around their high voltage posts. Hay, it was cut off last Tuesday and since then we’ve been calling our very good (yuck!)phone and internet provider Digitel but up to this day non of their hard working technical staff has assisted or even contacted us for re-installation. God I really hate them!
Our liaison officer even went to their office to personally report the incident but still all they say that our problem has been already reported to their technical team. Gosh! Kailan nila iinstall next month!? Because of them I wasn't able to blog for 6 days though we do have an internet connection in our house but I really can't concentrate because Aj is always with me and I'm quite shy of my in-laws, they might think that I'm lazy and don't really care much about Aj db?
If by tomorrow hindi pa sila darating, my boss and I would file a formal complaint to their manager of to their head office. Tapos ang usuapan! ;( Inis tlaga me eh ;(
Now, I have to ciao for a while and search for the best car insurance online.