I was browsing the net the other day and I found Capella University. My SIL in Canada actually asked me to search for an accredited university where she can enroll while taking care of her baby girl. Luckily, I found this school.
Capella University is an accredited, fully online university and the leading online graduate school for working adults. I offer different courses on business, IT, education, human services and also graduate school courses. Recently, they launched an online podcasts where Capella student, faculty and staff share their experiences and views about online education at Capella University. So, you better check that out too to have an informative decision about enrolling at Capella University.
This blog posts was based on information provided by Blogitive.com

we are a startup www.hyperwebenable.com based on silicon valley.
providing next generation blogging service.
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Thanks and regards
About us:
HyperWebEnable.com is a free website for blog service. We provide free
website and various other services to our users.We enable blogger and
content creators to create their own free website.
Our service is distinct by providing our users a web
domain(yoursitename.com) of their choice instead of sub
domain(yoursitename.blogspot.com). We have a wide variety of services like
virtual computer, desktop sharing and web conferencing which we provide with
support from alliance partners. We do not charge for registration, and
renewal of our user sites, this is a great opportunity to start a website
for bloggers and content creators.
Currently all web enthusiasts, bloggers face the problem of acquiring a
website. They have to pay for site name, space and hosting. We at
www.HyperWebEnable.com understand the time and cost involved with this
activity. We address the problem by providing all these services for
bloggers and content creators.We also help these users through blog/website
building process also. We also enable the users to generate their own
revenue by allowing them to place their own ads in other space available on
the website/blog.
Visit us at www.hyperwebenable.com
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