Graphics for Thank You Comments
I just want you guys to know that I’m ending this contest today (October 24) at 12 noon (Phil time)! Sorry for cutting the contest “one day” short but I have to end it to block all the “spamming and nonsense comments” that I have been receiving for the past few days. Unfortunately, some of the contestants has been spamming thru my posts and had even made some of my posts a chatter box.:( I do appreciate your efforts of visiting and commenting on my blogs for almost everyday but I just hope that you could have at least had something sensible to say that my readers and I could relate to. You see some of them have been telling me that they wanted to comment on my post but because of the “said” spamming or nonsense chatting- they rather leave my blog and never leave a mark because of irritation. :)
Tsk tsk tsk.. But I will still count your comments because I know you have work hard on leaving your comments on my blogs. But I just want to emphasize that my purpose of having this contest was to receive more constant readers and more visitors - not to scare them away.
Anyways, I will still declare the official winners on the 27th of October (Monday).
To all who join, greeted me and commented – THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!
You really made this contest successful and a very MEMORABLE ONE! Lol! :)

hi Ed, I understand :)
I am happy you cut it short too.
Happy Friday and weekend to you Ed :)
Good luck to you ed in counting my comments, not sure how much I have made :).
opps, forgot saying that hope I win :)
Haay... oo nga sis! yung iba basta may masabi lang. some do play dirty tricks anoh?! bad. bad.. anyways, your contest is a blast!!! and congratulations on you blogsversary!!! more blogging years to come! :)
Thank you eds, for replying on my comments.. I really felt bad when I read that comment. What matter is what you think, that's why I went to you. Thank you so much!
hayy good call. ako rin naiirita na mag-comment seeing all those worthless one-liners. (you know who you are). it's driving away real readers from your blog.
Yeah, comment contest can be a boomerang sometimes. People might left a lot of irrelevant comments just to be the winner. However, thanks for holding this contest :)
bwahahahahaha :) hey eds, happy blogingversary to you !!!! muah.
nku ako din eh lapit na - ano kaya magandang pa contest?
Happy Weekend sis! TC
Ed, wiehanne is right I think if you didn't end it early who knows the blog might turn upside down. DO you think that possible?
I think you will think again for next contest whether to hold a comment contest.
gosh, eds! they still didn't know its them! hahahaha! anyway, happy blogsary! more to contest to come =)
Hi there,
I believe I joined your contest but am not sure if I did comments. So it's possible I will not win anything :-(
I am sorry to hear about the spams coming your way. Our laptop conks out from time to time because of the spams that come our way as well.
Oh well.
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