Only 3 days to go and my blogsary contest will end! OMG! Time really flies so so fast! And quite frankly I’m really excited on the contest results. Hmmm… I think some of you have been very dedicated on posting comments ha. Thanks!Now, I have to prepare my paypal for the awarding of prices on the 27th ! lol! And hopefully, I’ll have more opps these coming days so that I would have extra money left in my account. Bwahahaha!!!
Goodluck to all of us!

yeah just 3 days.
not sure how many comments I have made so far.
shocks I didn't know about your contest sana nag join ako....kung hindi pa ako nag bog hopping I wouldn't know....sana next time I could join na..
sherry.. looks like we are one of the diligent commentors..
hope i win!LOL!
my entry is here
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
ops i forgot to put the number..
eds... please let me win... hahaha
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
im still not sure how much comments i made.. i must have skipped or double count you know..
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
i'll let you worry about that eds..
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
i hope I win too architect.
you forgot the numnbers? how can?
I can see that at least you have the number. I don't know mine.
looks like we are trying out best yeah.
haha! i did it 100 comments for today ! 524
cool.. i hope i can do another hundred tomorrow.. 525
have to go eds.. hope i win! 526
wow you did it 100comments yeah
I sure hope I can keep up with you
don't left me behind.
I really want to win :)
some people can give up half way I know I can't
@architect you going already?
see ya tomorrow then.
looks like I am all alone here.
Ed I have fun with your blogversary contest.
I am hoping that I can save more money to buy my dream notebook/laptop
still so far away.
I have debt too that haven't settle
I am surprise they are blogger that don't know about your contest
believe it or not I am having backache now
the day is getting closer
watching amazing race 3
The end is getting nearer :)
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