Monday, April 14, 2008

Morong Getaway (4/4)

If you want to view my final posts on our Morong Getaway!

Just click it here.

My Morong Getaway(4/4) is all about my beach escapade in Morong. You'll see a lot of pictures of my co-workers and boss. And some of the activities that we've done while under water. ;) Also, in this post you'll see why I had some sun burns and rashes. lol! The burn thing is actually my fault! Why? Imagine, I stayed under the ultraviolent rays of the sun for I think4 hours. That is 10 am to 2 pm! Gosh, that's the time when the sun's rays is hottest db? Just imagine what I'm feeling now! :(


Nancy Janiola said...

hi must have a whole great time having fun with your Morong getaway, huh..Bet it's a nice place. I'm glad to hear from you again..Thanks so much for your time. Hope to hear from you more often..Enjoy the rest of the day..God bless..TC!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Beautiful ♥ looks like great fun
So did your getaway

My WW is up
My Little Drummer boys