Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Perfect Connection

My cousin Anne was so annoyed with their internet connection. She’s currently busy finishing her research, as part of her curriculum requirement in her material degree. But apparently their internet connection is not serving her any good. As we all know, the net has almost everything that we need and we will need, so it’s automatic that when we need to research something we try to browse it in the net.

Unfortunately, my cousin didn’t research to which internet provider she should really connect. Lol!

I’ve been telling her about Charter internet services, but she didn’t listen. That’s why she’s been blaming herself for the slow internet connection they currently have. But I told her that’s its not too late yet, because Charter internet has set their record low price and also comes with a 30 Day Risk free trial and a $25 Shell Gift Card with Online Orders when you apply now!

So now is the perfect time to have the connection with them. Isn’t it?

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