Tuesday, June 17, 2008

vac that dirt out!

Have you ever heard about cordless vacuum cleaners? Not yet? Oh my, I think you really need to read this post a little further because this might just save you a lot of dollars and sweat as well!

Dirt Devil has a better way to save energy, and had recently launched their most innovative product. The new AccuCharge Stick Vac and Hand Vac have been recently launched to help moms like us to save more time and energy. Yeah, this vac has a designed charger that can fill up energy to the vac and will consume energy 70% off! So, you don’t need the whole house for whole day, just a swipe of their vacs all dusts and dirts will surely be suck in a zippy plus you’ll pay less for the energy you consumed for cleaning.

With its special AccuCharger, you can surely save a lot and conserve more time and energy. It has a high-efficiency charging system that saves time and money while you do your part reducing energy consumption. This advanced system makes AccuCharge the first cordless vacuums to be Energy Star approved! Wow! Isn’t this product sensational or what?

So, what are you waiting for? End your cleaning problem and save our environment as well.


Sponsored by Dirt Devil AccuCharge