Wednesday, June 11, 2008

it was an accident - really!

Hi everyone!

How was your day? Well, as for me, my officemate “Mr. M” made my morning a little more amusing hehehe. Why? I accidentally discovered that he was gay! Lol! It’s his fault actually, he used my pc for checking his email and some of his fave sites, and his worst mistake was he didn’t log out! Lol!

Ok, I didn’t read his email just for your info, I just had a peek on his male enhancement mails and penis enlarger stuffs, lol! Well, I didn’t actually use those mails as basis for his sexuality. I mean, any real man can be interested on those penis enlargement ads right?

What confirms it was a message from his YM that he didn’t even minimize or closed when he walk out from the office. It was all there, you don’t even need to browse just to read all about his relationship with this guy. It was written in front of my screen. Oh my! I just couldn’t believe this. Hayayay! :)