Monday, August 4, 2008

Great deals on Baby gears

I was out with my SIL yesterday, she asks me to come with her and have some window shopping at our favorite mall. So, that’s what we did. We went to the mall by 5pm and saw some cutie stuffs for her baby. Well, I think some you know that she’s pregnant and she’ll be giving birth by January. And as early as now, she’s kinda excited to window shop for some cribs and other baby stuffs. But hell they really cost a lot huh? My SIL should really save a lot of cash for her baby stuff.

After that we went home by 9pm and I thought of browsing the web. And guess what I found? has all that my SIL needs! From travel cots to high chairs and many more. All their stuffs are branded from Graco, Firsher Price to Tommee Tippee. Not only that, they sell their stuffs at a much affordable price. Wow! What a great deal! I just can’t wait to tell my SIL about this.