Monday, August 4, 2008

All Mixed Up

Tagged by Mhay.

Thanks sis!

PLAYERS:CHIKAI | Fun.Fierce.Fab | Me,Myself+2 | Kidd Designs | Ozzy's Mom |The Journey Continues | Married and Happy About It |My Precious Niche| Eds Mommy Life| Just Me.. Eds | YOU

1. Are you pregnant? Nope.
2. When do you want to get married? I’m happily married
3. Do you curse a lot? Nope.
4. What are your favorite books? Inspirational ones like Chicken Soup
5. Do wish you were with someone right now? Yes, with Aj and Hubby
6. Who were the last three people that sent you a text message? My boss, my SIL and hubby
7. Are you happier single or in a relationship? In a relationship of course
8. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Yes, definitely
9. Do you wish someone would call you? Hmm.. not really.
10. What is bugging you right now? My work
11. What's something you wish you could understand better? The basis of PR!
12. If someone doesn't like you, it’s usually because...? Their envious of my beauty bwahaha!
13. Do you have a wild side? Sometimes and it depends
14. Kissed someone in the last twenty-four hours? Yes
15. Have you lost friends in the past year? None.
16. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping soundly, until AJ woke up crying at about 12:30am.

I’m tagging Jona, Jean, Marie, Lisa, Michelle, Marie, Nancy and Sheng


Gorgeous MUM said...

thanks for the tag!

Liz said...

hi sis! oo nga it's been quite a while, hehe. thanks nga pala for this but i've done this one already. :)

Marie said...

Hi Eds! I just did this tag. You can check it out. Thank you! :)