Only a few people know that we are a family of Catholic-Protestant. My Dad has been a Roman Catholic all his life and my mom was a natural Methodist-Protestant. But since he married my dad she converted herself to Catholic living. I still remember when I was in grade school where we usually attend mass every Sunday on a catholic church and next Sunday on a Methodist church.
Well, that really didn’t confuse us and no conflict arises from that situation because there is not much difference on their Catholic and Protestant teachings. Some of the difference that I remember was in a Catholic Church, the sign of the cross is very important, whereas in a Protestant teaching, the sign of the cross is not being practice. Also in Catholic church a priest is the one preaching, whereas in a Protestant community, the pastor is the leader.
And you know who amongst the pastors are world renowned for his preaching? Pastor Bob. My Aunt Cely who is my mom’s sister and is currently based in Canada called my mom last week. She called my mom because she’s inviting her to come to Canada to join an Emergent Church where Pastor Bob preach. My mom was overwhelmed with the invitation but she’s still having second thoughts because of her sickness. So, my mom said she’ll think about it. But before my mom said goodbye, she ask my Aunt why all of the sudden she want to join the church? My aunt said that “I want a better marriage”. With that said, my mom ask her again on how can they find a church in Rancho Sante Fe? You’re almost halfway away from Santa Fe? But with a determined heart my Aunt Cely said she has everything plan already so my mm need to worry about.
That’s it! Till now I haven’t check on my mom’s answer to my Aunt request. Maybe they’ll push thru or maybe not. Hmm.. we’ll see.

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