We’re finally online! No thanks to our telecomm provider – Digitel. Yeah, no thanks to them because we were the ones who provided the cables and installed it at the same time. Oh I just hate them, we’ve been buzzing them since last Wednesday and till now no technician came to assists us. Talk about quality service huh?
Urgh! Imagine a company having no telephone and internet connection for a week! Good thing cell phone existed in this century or will be doomed!
Anyways, I just hope this irritating experience won’t happen again and hopefully, our barangay councilors here could give more attention on cable robberies and hopefully they could provide us more efficient lighting here so that robbers can have second thoughts of stealing.
With that, I’ll be seeing you all in a while when I blog hop! {excited!}
Ciao! :)

problem tlga minsan yan mga provided na yan.. hmp!
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
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