Being a working mom is really hard. Though, I’m not saying that my hubby’s salary is insufficient. It’s just not enough to reach our goals. That’s why I’m trying hard to search for the best and efficient business that we can invest in and start a new life with. Where we’ll have no boss and have our own time with the whole family.
Having a business of our own is a great leap for a starting family right? Results may be a success or failure, but nonetheless, trying it first is the best move one could ever do. With that in mind, we’re looking forward to have a franchise of a small food stall that we can build in at a strategic location. And if that plan becomes a success, we might venture into other small-food business like a popcorn stall (those we see in the malls) of our own. Hmmm.. I might need to buy some tools and equipment then like a popcorn machines and the like.
Anyways, we’ll see if our plan will be realized next year.

yup.. sideline...its better for you coz at least you have a hubby who helps you.. its much harder to be a single mom.. but i think i manage to give my daughter the bset things in life.. nice clothes, good food, wonderful school, and a whole lot of loving..
Memory Filled
Sweety tots
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