Monday, December 17, 2007

Ninong & Ninang

I was tagged by Jenny & Denz

This meme was created to remind us “Ninongs” and “Ninangs” the number of our godchildren and our responsibility towards them as they grow and mature as better Christians. Here are the rules:

* List all the names of your godchildren

* Tag at least 5 bloggers

* Update the Tag Train

My godchildren - Engel Chad, Kirsten Radah, Vincent, Trisha, Chen-Chen.

Gosh, me too, I forgot the names of my inaanak!

The Tag Train Started Here - Bluepanjeet - Joy - Scarty - Yen - Peachy - Jenny - Denz - Eds - "You" {you put your link here}

I'm passing this to Jona, Mich, Pretty, Jean and Shabem