Many writers and authors will probably be reluctant to admit that Post It Notes and Post It Pads have become their companions in their writing profession. But this is especially true for a writer associate, who just cannot live without her sticky notes and note pads.
Ever since she discovered sticky notes, she has been using them literally everywhere and anytime. Sticky notes have been very helpful to her when she is doing research for her books or magazine articles. When she finds a particular bit of info in a reference that she borrowed from the library, she would immediately jot down a small reminder on a sticky note and slap it onto the page. Because the adhesive strip does not leave sticky residue on the book pages, she does not have to worry about the pages getting stuck together. Whereas before she needed a cork board to tack all her notes and schedules for quick location and view, she instead writes everything down in a note pad and sticks it to the wall.
With time, this writer friend has discovered another good use for these sticky notes. After discovering from the company that supplies her sticky that she can have these items made to her specifications, she began ordering instead personalized sticky notes and personalized sticky note pads. The note pads have been useful whenever she sends manuscripts to her editor at the publishing company. She just writes a message to her editor and slaps on the note to her work. Because the note has her name and address printed on it, his secretary will not overlook it. On the other hand, she has been using personalized sticky notes whenever a fan of her novels from another state or another country writes to lament that he or she is unable to meet her at book signings because her travel schedule is limited to certain areas. She decided to use her personalized sticky notes as bookplates, writing a small message to her fans and then affixing her autograph. Several of her fans have actually written to thank her for sending sticky notes for each book of hers that they have in their collection.
If you are a writer or author, discover for yourself the convenience that personalized sticky notes and personalized note pads offer.

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