Contribution by Paula Gonzales
We love to watch the channel Nick Jr. on our Channles from Direct. It is amazing and there is always something on for the kids to watch. It used to be called Noggin, but they recently changed it. I can't say enough good things about this channel. Right now my daughter is watching "Little Bill" which is a show by Bill Cosby. They are all educational and cute. It shows cartoons most of the time, but once in awhile it will have a show like "The Fresh Beat Band" which is adults. They are still good shows that the kids love to watch. I can honestly say I have never seen a show on here that is not good for them. One thing that is so great is that it is the same stuff 24 hours a day. If you have a sick kid at 3:00 am, there is still something that you can switch over to and let them watch. We have had to use this before and I appreciate it so much. It is hard to find a channel that is on 24 hours a day for our children. This is an answer to my prayers.

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