Good morning to all you! ;) Gosh! I can’t believe it Sunday already! :) - More Sunday Comments
It’s the first hour of Sunday as I’m doing this post. My husband and I haven’t sleep yet because I’m still busy blogging and he is eating his time by watching UFC.
Yup! He loves the Ultimate Fighting Championship and I badly hate it. Urgh! Who would love that bloody sport? Or should we classify it as a sport? For me, UFC is a brutal entertainment for boys who love to brawl. Whenever my husband watches the whole thing and I accidentally had a glimpse of it, all I see is blood! So how will I love it? :)
How can blood be a part of sport? You’ll be the judge of that for I have offered my verdict or should I say my own opinion. Oh well, while waiting for hubby to finish watching I might as well be reading the Medicare part D plan that my dad wants me to review. He needs the review this afternoon.
Have a Blessed Sunday everyone! :) - More Sunday Comments
It’s the first hour of Sunday as I’m doing this post. My husband and I haven’t sleep yet because I’m still busy blogging and he is eating his time by watching UFC.
Yup! He loves the Ultimate Fighting Championship and I badly hate it. Urgh! Who would love that bloody sport? Or should we classify it as a sport? For me, UFC is a brutal entertainment for boys who love to brawl. Whenever my husband watches the whole thing and I accidentally had a glimpse of it, all I see is blood! So how will I love it? :)
How can blood be a part of sport? You’ll be the judge of that for I have offered my verdict or should I say my own opinion. Oh well, while waiting for hubby to finish watching I might as well be reading the Medicare part D plan that my dad wants me to review. He needs the review this afternoon.
Have a Blessed Sunday everyone! :)

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