Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Zumba Lessons and Games

Yesterday, my husband and I thought of visiting my cousin Leigh. Her house was actually a few blocks away from ours so we just had a brisk walk just to get there. We opted to that as well for me to have a little preggo exercise. Upon arriving at her house, we noticed that there was a loud music playing inside her house. We knocked and saw that she was having her weekly zumba lessons with her dance and fitness instructor.

Yup! She hired an instructor for her to get slim and be fit. Well, as for me there’s nothing wrong about that for as long as you crave for good health and long life, right? Which reminded me about a psp 3 game called Zumba Fitness that I love to play every now and then. It’s like Leigh was the one in my game playing as me. Lol!