Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Surf Shop Directory Online

My friend Jo loves the beach and he consider it has heaven whenever he sees the blue waters. One of his most loved hobby is surfing. I think he considers it today as his most love sports and he would definitely die for it if it takes that far for him just to surf thru the waves. It has always been his dream to be the best surfer in town but because of financial constraint he can’t even purchased his own surf board for him to practice.

But because of his determination and enthusiasm he tried working in a local restaurant and luckily earned and saved money to buy him a surf board. Now, weekends are usually his fun time on the beach where he plays with the high waves of the sea. He’s doing great now with the sport and he might join a surfing competition in a couple of months. But of course, before he do that he needs to spend more money for some of his surfing accessories and that is where he needed my help. He’s currently asking me to help him find a surf shop directory where he can shop whenever he needs to. Well, fortunately for me I have the internet to aid us. :)