Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blood Sugar Counts

Many of you knew that my mom has been suffering from diabetes. Well, first she had Lupus and now diabetes as its complication.

That’s why blood glucose monitors are all around the house, to see to it that my mom’s blood sugar is at its tolerable level. I still remember one time when we haven’t bought any glucose meter then. My mom suddenly starting sweating and felt nauseate with some mild weakness in her body. I know by then that something was wrong. We immediately called her doctor and told us to get by the nearest lab or clinic to check my mom’s blood sugar. True enough, her blood sugar was low. So we immediately gave her some orange juice and candy to heighten things up.

Ugrh! And because of that, we immediately bought a glucometer for her daily use, though we really want to try electrodes which many has proven very effective. Well, we'll see about that.