That’s why I tried browsing the internet for home remedies that I’m planning to do to alleviate the pain even just a bit. Fortunately, I’ve found something that’s worth trying. They said that it can soothe the pain I’m experiencing.
• Gargling with hot water, or holding hot water in the mouth on the area of the ulcer, helps to relieve the pain. This should be done 3-4 times a day.
• Boil some zyziphus leaves in water to make a strong herbal tea, and use this to gargle 3-4 times a day.
• Make a light decoction of guava leaves and gargle with it 3-4 times a day.
• Add half a teaspoon of turmeric and one-fourth of a teaspoon of rock salt in a glass of hot water. Gargle with it thrice a day.
• A teaspoon of roasted, pounded neem bark mixed with half a teaspoon of catechu, and this powder applied on an ulcer, causes intense salivation. This should be spat out, and then the person should gargle with warm water 3-4 times a day.
• Applying boro-glycerine thrice a day causes intense salivation followed by relief.
• To half a teaspoon of fine, powdered small cardamoms, add half a teaspoon of roasted, powdered alum. Take a pinch of the mixture, place it on the ulcer and close the mouth. There will be intense salivation. Keep it in the mouth for 30 seconds and then spit it out. Gargle with warm water and repeat the whole process once again. Do this 2-3 times a day.
• Catechu can also be made into a powder, and then into a thick paste with water. Apply this on the ulcers.
• Jasmine, which grows well in hilly areas, has varied properties, one of which ;s to soothe pain and heal chronic skin inflammation / ulcers of the mucous membrane.
• Make a cut in the thick stem of a banyan tree. A drop of the sap added to a drop of honey, and applied on the ulcer, heals it. Apply 2-3 times a day.
• Chew fresh carrot leaves and then wash it out with water. It prevents putrefaction of the slough at the base of the mouth ulcers.
• A herbal tea made with a few crushed henna leaves added to a cup of lukewarm water, and then used as a gargle, soothes the ulcerated surface.
• A decoction of rose petals, with a dash of lime, used as a gargle, is also soothing when done 3-4 times a day.
• Take a handful of fresh, tender tamarind leaves. Make an infusion with a glass of hot. water. It has anti microbial properties, and its mildly acidic taste clears the loss of taste and unclean feeling in the mouth.
I'm happy that there are a lot of ways to make these sores disappear. Though I'm not sure if I can do most of the tips but maybe the hot water with rock salt or the guava leaves solution can already help me with my dilemma. :)

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