Saturday, August 27, 2011

Special Sticker Prints for the Store Anniversary

Next month will be a busy month for the family. As said on my previous post, my dad’s store will celebrate its first anniversary and as early as now we are preparing for this special event. We thought of making it a big event for this will be the store’s very first celebration. One of the things that my dad thought of doing for the celebration is giving discounts on the first 100 customers who will enter the store that very day. He is also planning to have some great giveaways on every person that will buy in the store. The giveaways are useful products that will bear the name and contact number of the store. That’s partying and advertising in one, right!?

I can say that those are fabulous ideas for the much awaited event. That’s why for everybody to know about this great news my dad assigned me to be in charge on the advertisement and giveaways. I’ve contacted some of our loyal suppliers and clients about recommendations about cool giveaways and I was able to file my final orders to my friend who will make all the giveaways. I’ve also contacted the best sticker printing shop in our place that will do some of our flyers and stickers as part of the store promotions. Well, I think I’m almost finish with my part and I just can’t wait to tell my dad about it.